Wednesday 7 March 2019 Fruttagel received the 2018 Social Report Library Award, for having distinguished itself in the area of ​​sustainability applied to its production area through the reporting tool.
The award ceremony took place in Milan, on the occasion of the presentation of the 2018 report “I am culture. The Italy of quality and beauty challenges the crisis”, promoted by Symbola Foundation and Unioncamere, with the support of Fondazione Cariplo, project which since 2011 measures and tells the cultural sector annually, with the aim of enhancing it as a lever for the country’s development.
A prestigious setting for companies that have distinguished themselves in terms of corporate responsibility: “Today we are witnessing the start of what is announced as a real cultural change for the market – underlines Stanislao Fabbrino, President and CEO of Fruttagel – The consumer will be increasingly “consumer-actor”, with a strongly decisive role in the processes that guide the production and the business activity. The purchasing choices will be oriented by the values ​​that the brands and the companies will be able to guarantee and share. , in a landscape in which the price logic will cease – we hope – to be the main driver. The recognition received today rewards Fruttagel’s commitment precisely in this direction: to create value every day protecting and protecting people, the community and environment – concludes Fabbrino “.
The company’s best practices are reported in the Sustainability Report, the first fully compostable pack for frozen vegetables, which can be disposed of in the separate waste collection unit, the cogeneration plant for energy efficiency and CO2 reduction, relamping initiatives of the two company plants (Alfonsine and Larino), and the educational project for primary schools “Dal campo al banco with Ortilio”.